Hey Happy Baby!

We start to taper down Josh’s steroid last Sunday. He took 20mg of Prednisone on Sunday morning and would only take another dose today (on Tuesday). So he only took his medication once within these two days. 

Call me being too sensitive, but during these two days I noticed changes on him. In a positive way. Hoorayy!

1. Sleep better! 

The whole Sunday he was still being moody and cranky. But I noticed that at nite, he slept better. During the full dose period, he wud wake up in the middle at the nite and during his sleep he was so restless. These two nights he slept through the nite and woke up (only) at 5 in the morning. Yay!

2. Better appetite

He still has his big appetite. But by Monday it was more controllable, not as demanding as before. He wud cry for food every now and then, but it was easier to distract him. 

3. Cheeky baby is around!

On Monday (the whole day when he did not take medication at all), his mood was suddenly all better. I can still see the trace of the ‘moody and cranky’ Josh every now and then, but..the great news is I get to see the version of my cheeky baby!! Praise God! 

It was like he got his energy back. He was more active and playful. He was running and jumping around. He smiled and laughed a lot (oh dear God, how I miss hearing his sincere laughs). He did his pretend play, pretending to be an elephant. He always loved pretend play before he fell sick and I did not succeed on getting him to play when he was taking his full dose of medication. It was such a joy to see him playing around the house yesterday. I guess I really miss him a lot.

And so after all the hype yesterday, we are really so hesitant to give him his medication today. Having him back is such a joy that I dont feel like loosing my happy baby all over again. But there is nothing we can do, we want him to be completely healthy. 

He will take his 20mg of Prednisone again today. I pray that the effect won’t be as hard as before. I can still manage if I can meet my happy baby once in two days.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Fellow parent says:

    Good news, glad Josh is better now. Keep strong 🙂


    1. Rin says:

      Yes.. Praise God! 🎉 Thank you for the support and prayer!


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